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Six Simple Steps to Treat Your Skin

Your skin deserves the best treatment. And yes, it’s important to have a proper skincare routine with products that are scientifically proven to work, like Benzagel’s – but there are also other important ways to treat your skin.


How to Use Benzagel Products

For the last ten years in a row, Benzagel Canada has been named the #1 recommended acne treatment brand by pharmacists across Canada. With a wide range of consumers, the most frequent question we receive is “how to best use our products?” So, if you have questions, you’re not alone. We’re excited to share how you can use our product line in your everyday acne-care routine!


Got Acne? Avoid These Foods

A balanced diet is the key to healthy skin and a healthy body, but certain foods are known to trigger breakouts in those who suffer from acne. While everybody’s diet is unique to them, there are common foods and ingredients most people should avoid to maintain the healthiest skin possible and control their acne breakouts. Here are some of the top foods to avoid if you suffer from acne!


Top 5 Online Acne Myths Debunked

In today’s modern times, it’s common for us to run to the help of Google whenever we need answers. This is especially true when we’re looking for quick fixes related to our health. The internet can be a great resource, but it’s important to remember that there’s a lot of false information out there as well. This is especially true when it comes to skincare.


Adding Benzagel Into Your Morning Routine

It should be noted before we start that this list does not incorporate any specialized medicines or facial creams. It’s advised that you check with your doctor if you take any prescription facial medications or washes and how this may affect your daily routine.


Can Lemon or Toothpaste Cure Acne?

“Someone told me that a lemon or toothpaste can cure my acne. Is this true, or just another internet myth?”

There are many “home remedies” that are purported to help improve or even “cure” acne; however, for the most part, there is little scientific evidence to show that these treatments are safe and effective.


Will pimple scars on my face ever go away?

Unfortunately scarring is a relatively common and often unpredictable complication of acne, developing in about 1 out of every 5 individuals with the condition. Severity of acne does not necessarily relate to the risk of scarring with acne. Some individuals with mild acne develop scarring, while other individuals with severe acne do not experience this complication.


I have a lot of small pimples; is it okay to put spot treatment all over my face?

Spot treatments for acne are intended for periodic use on individual blemishes when they appear on the face. These products are generally not well suited for broad application over a large area as they can cause excessive peeling, scaling and redness in some individuals. If you have many pimples, a spot treatment, used alone, might not be well-suited to your needs.


Do I treat body acne the same as acne on my face?

For the most part, body acne is managed similar to facial acne. Treatment options may include over the counter topical agents (e.g., benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur), topical agents that require a prescription (e.g., retinoic acid, clindamycin lotion, adapalene) and oral antibiotics (tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin, doxycycline), which also require a prescription.